Our Values

Led by Faith

Our mission is to rekindle an excitement and appreciation of Catholic heritage and legacy by bringing students to the sites of great historical and religious significance. Like the parable of Jesus leading his disciples across a wide river and trusting that God, the Father, would deliver them safely to the other shore, our motto is- When we have faith and trust in God, we can achieve anything, even if it seems impossible.

Guided by History

Understanding Catholic history and heritage are important to learn because it helps students understand how the Catholic Church has played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. It helps them understand the beliefs and traditions of the Catholic Church and how they have evolved over time. Students can gain a deeper understanding of their own faith and how it connects to the world around them. Learning about their Catholic heritage also helps students appreciate and respect the diversity of beliefs and cultures within our society.

Social Justice and Equity

Social justice and equity are important in Catholicism because they align with the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church to love and care for all people, especially those who are marginalized or oppressed. Social justice refers to the fair distribution of resources and opportunities for all people, while equity ensures that everyone has what they need to thrive. For this reason, all aspects of our programming, from obtaining passports and luggage, to having funds for keepsakes, are all-inclusive and free to student participants and their accompanying parent or guardian.

Diversity- They, Us, We

The Catholic Church teaches that all people are created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, Catholics are called to work towards creating a just society where everyone has equal opportunities and is treated with fairness and compassion. This includes working towards ending poverty, promoting education, and fighting for the rights of marginalized groups. We value diversity. We value you!

Investing in the Global Catholic Community

The Catholic Church is a global community, rather than simply as a collection of national or regional churches. Catholic Footsteps emphasizes the importance of connecting and collaborating with Catholics from all over the world, and working together to address global issues. Catholic Footsteps encourages Catholics to be more aware of the diverse cultures and traditions within the Church, and to celebrate and learn from the richness of these differences. You can see learn more about our work on our blog.